About Us


In 1985-86, Oakcrest Elementary and South Ocala Elementary had twelve hundred (1200) students with many portables. To alleviate the crowded conditions at these two schools, Shady Hill Elementary and Ocala Springs Elementary were built.

The two new schools were the first new schools built in Marion County since 1970. There were schools built to replace existing schools damaged by fire or other mishaps, but there were not any non-existing schools established.

Shady Hill Elementary was established in August, 1986, on the campus of South Ocala with double sessions. Shady Hill was the last session so students started school late morning and got out when the sun started to go down.

Our student population was less than 500. In February, 1987, we moved into the new school. Our Charter Faculty Group still working at Shady Hill includes the following: Dana (Knight) Andrews, Jolene Coria, Sandy (Foster) Watt, and Kathy (Decker) Gerace.


Shady Hill Has the following student demographics:
White: 220 female and 280 male This represents 75% of our entire population.
Black: 63 female and 70 males representing 20% of our entire population
Hispanic: 6 female and 9 male representing 2% of our entire papulation
Asian: 2 females and 5 males representing 1% of the schools' population
American Indian: 7 females and 6 males representing 2% of the entire school population

Shady Hill elementary has 298 female Students and 370 males students representing 45% and 55% respectively.

Through generous funding and grants from local and federal sources free breakfast and free lunch is made available to all elementary school students in Marion County.

Class Size

In keeping with the State of Florida classroom reduction requirements, our class size in K-2nd is 1-18, 3rd is 1-19, and 4th-5th is 1-22. Our ESE class size is 1 to 5 and our inclusion class size is 1 to 9.

Academic Performance of Feeder Pattern

Shady Hill graduating 5th graders move on to one of the following middle schools: Osceola, Belleview, Liberty or Howard.