Parent-Teacher Association

PTA The purpose of our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is to enhance and support the educational experience at Shady Hill Elementary, and to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement through volunteer and financial support.

Find us on Facebook at Shady Hill Elementary PTA or e-mail us at: [email protected]


2018-2019 PTA Officers
President Jessica Turley
Vice President Ashley Gerds
Vice President/Auction Chair Meghan High
Vice President/Box Tops Kristen Holland
Yearbook Committee Chair Ashlie Gray
Secretary Nikki Hallick
Treasurer Tracy Schmitt



welcomeBy joining PTA, you help support many of the enrichment programs Shady Hill Elementary PTA provides throughout the year. When everyone helps a little, we can accomplish a lot! For general background information, lots of ideas, and insight into what other PTAs around the country are doing, check out

PTA Meetings will be announced.